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About Meshed

Meshed is an Australian-based Internet of Things integrator delivering expert IoT solutions across Australasia.

Experts in the field

Enterprise-Grade Private LoRaWan Networks

Meshed’s private LoRaWAN networks are being used by some of Australia’s largest government and corporate organisations. We pride ourselves on deep expertise in infrastructure, asset maintenance, water and environmental management.

Promoting the connected world

Driving the future with big numbers around Australia

We have deployed hundreds of LoRaWAN points-of-presence across Australia and New Zealand since early 2016 to drive open standard technologies and collaborative data models for cities and industry to thrive in the connected world.

Our Solutions

Pre-approved government supplier

With a wide array of LoRaWAN solutions, our company has quickly become a preferred provider amongst Australian municipalities and corporate organisations. We are a pre-approved supplier for:

  • Local Buy – Smart Cities & Telecommunications
  • Local Government Association of Tasmania
  • Buy NSW
  • Municipal Association of Victoria – Smart Cities & Telecommunications
  • WALGA – ICT Products & Services

To find out more, contact us.

About Meshed Government Supplier

Smart technology for the connected world

Boasting smart solutions for industry, cities, water and agriculture, we have proven excellence in promoting LoRaWAN as a cost-effective method for our clients’ needs. We support intelligent asset management and monitoring, alongside connected farming and supply chains. Our smart water solution is helping provide long-term sustainability of changing water resources to further our committment to the environment.

Community initiative for the future of IoT

Meshed is proactively encouraging the future of open standard technologies. We partner with leading universities and research networks to provide affordable LoRaWAN IoT solutions. Our extensive involvement in providing free-to-use community networks with The Things Network has helped boost the global crowd-sourced initiative.

Our Achievements

We have achieved some impressive milestones to date, including:

Ground-breaking IoT asset management and site monitoring for one of Australia’s largest Telecommunications contractors.

Established free-to-access IoT networks across more than 50 local council areas and in 9 out of 10 of Australia’s largest populations.

Built a world first LoRaWAN people counting device now being used by more than 26 councils around Australia.

Learn more about us

Learn more about Meshed IoT and see how we’re building LoRaWAN solutions to power the future.